Awards & Publications
Gabris C., Nerwen, R.; Wang, Y. (September, 2019). Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences in Diverse Racial and Ethnic Settings: a Review. Poster. 2nd annual DREAM Integrated Primary Care Conference Developing and Researching Advanced Models of Integrating Primary Care, Wilimington, DE.
Wang Y, Nerwen R, Gabris C. (February, 2019). Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences in Diverse Racial and Ethnic Settings: a Review. Publication. Current Opinion in Pediatrics. PubMed PMID: 30762707. doi: 10.1097.
Jan, S., Nerwen, C, Gabris, C. (April, 2018). Augmenting Integrated Behavioral Health in Academic Pediatric Primary Care through Education and Family Navigators. Grant. Penn Medicine. Perelman School of Medicine. University of Pennsylvania.
Mace, R., Gansler, D., Suvak, K., Gabris, C., Areán, P., Raue, P., Alexopoulos, G. (2017). Therapeutic relationship in the treatment of geriatric depression with executive dysfunction, Article. Journal of Affective Disorders, 214, (130).
Falkowitz, S., Gabris, C. (October, 2017). Integrated Care in a Pediatric Practice. Poster. 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Washington D.C.
Gabris, C., Falkowitz, S. (October, 2017). Integrated Care in a Pediatric Practice. Poster. American Psychiatric Association, Institute on Psychiatric Services, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Gabris, C. (September, 2017). Growing with our Patients: The Development of the Collaborative Care Model in Pediatric Practice. Blitz. 1st annual DREAM Integrated Primary Care Conference Developing and Researching Advanced Models of Integrating Primary Care, Wilimington, DE.
Falkowitz, S., Gabris, C. (May, 2017). A Critical Intervention at a Critical Time: Providing Access to Pediatric Mental Health Care through a Collaborative Model. Case Presentation. Integrated Care Summit. Orlando, Florida.
Gabris, C., Suvak, M., Gansler, D., Raue, P., & Areán, P.A. (May, 2013). Client perceptions of therapist behaviors in a treatment study of older adults with depression and executive dysfunction: Post-treatment and long term follow-up results. Poster presented at the 25th annual conference of the Association for Psychological Science.
Gabris, C., Suvak, M., Gansler, D., Raue, P., & Areán, P.A. (April, 2013). Client perceptions of therapist behaviors in a treatment study of older adults with depression and executive dysfunction. Peer-reviewed Poster accepted for the 33rd annual conference of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
Sirey, J., Marino, P., Greenfield, A., Tagarelli, D., D’Angelo, D., Gabris, C., McKenzie, S., & Bruce, M. (October, 2012). Improving engagement in mental health services for older persons with depression: Current needs and intervention. Poster presented at the American Psychiatric Association’s 64th Institute on Psychiatric Services meeting, New York, NY.
Gabris, C, & Jerram, M. (2009, May). DAPP as a method for case analysis: An ecologically valid assessment of reliability. In J.B. Harris (Chair), Psychotherapy integration: Contributions, challenges and the future. Symposium paper presented at the 25th annual conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Seattle, Washington.
DeAmicis, A., & Gabris, C. (2009, May). Adapting DAPP for formative evaluation research by practitioners. In J.B. Harris (Chair), Psychotherapy integration: Contributions, challenges and the future. Symposium paper presented at the 25th annual conference of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Seattle, Washington.
LoCicero, A., Deangelo, S., Gabris, C., McCue, A., Mizock, L., Roth, K., & Samburg, S. (2007, August). Mentor/Counselor: An evolving model for counseling court-involved adolescents. Poster presented at the 115th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California.